I will say however, I had to heavily edit to fit my shape, and the inbuilt resizer rather made it too short or too wide for me. This isn;t that bad though, considering my shape seems to be a bit taller and more slender than a lot of gear is designed for. Thankfully its full mod and editting prims is easy enough. Katie mentions this in the products NC and on the sign you buy it form, so theres no excuse to go ranting at her for it, she did warn us.
On colours - First up choos eone of the sections (Metal, Strap, Corset or lacing) to get into the menu for that part. Metal has 3 colours, Bronze, silver and gold. The straps can be made either latex or leather, with 10 leather and 9 latex colours. The lacing has 9 colours and then theres the main corset.
It has all the options of the leather and latex ones, same as teh straps, then anothe rmenu marked as Others. In here are 9 other looks for it. Tie-Dyed, Steel, Wood, Floral, Argyle, Denim, Plaid, Lace and Brocade.

The leveling is not unlike the KaS corset (to be covered later by me). You go to the highest level you can, and eventually it will open up a tighter option. However it has a few extras to make it more interesting.
The corset has a built in breath meter hidden away, and if you have the corset set higher than your comfort level, you may faint. When you faint, you lose some progress towards the next comfort level. On top of this, there is a machine included in the box. Sitting on this machine will tighten the corset by two levels instead of one, putting you past what the options allow. Doing this allows for faster training, but also makes you faint faster.
If you remove yourself from owner and teh corset gets locked well.. You're not in for a good time.Theres no way to loosen the corset if its locked and you are not set as an owner. This is epescially bad if you are on the machine setting, and have it tightened by two levels. I'm pretty sure you faint often enough that you can't level without loosening it.
There are a total of 6 levels, getting steadily tighter.
Unlike other RF items, these have no keys, just an owner system. The corset can be hidden, to allow for the sub to wander without her waist been crushed. As of this moment in time, I have yet to find an expose command, so its unlikely some random person can click it and force it on you. The boning can be removed or added. When removed, it can be a little.. Iffy with a lot of AOs, and when on, may make you sway from side to side rather like you're drunk. This is mentioned in the products NC, and has a recomended walk anim to use mentioned along side it.
Quality - Very high. Can be a bit iffy with some shapes, but Katie does put a disclaimer in the NC and on the products sign. - 8/10
Funciton - Quite a lot. An expose command would be nice, but not necessary. - 8/10
Price - 500 linden. Like most of her items, this is reasonable - 8/10
average - 8/10
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