Seeing as its Christmas, I don;t really have time to do a proper review, so just gonna write up what a lot of the plugins built intot teh gear do, in more depth than I do in the normal reviews.
Restrained Freedom
Aux Bound - This allows third party objects to control your restraints, primarily the phantom Mistress included with the secure cuffs. it lets it bind you as it sees fit, and I believe puts the restraints on expose for others to access. I am uncertain of timers.
Cager - Sets up a cage around the victim. Simple little thing, but be warned, you seem to be unable to de-cage yourself.
Cam Control - As you'd expect, it allows them to limit how far away yoru camera can go.
Cycle Bound - When turned on and bound, this will cycle through the positions built into the restraint on an adjustable timer. Fun for people like me who get bored of one pose if stuck in it too long.
Cycle Iso - This works like cycle bound, except it adjusts how youa re isolated (Gagged, blinded, deafened)
Future Lock - This is a handy little plugin. You choose the pose (random is there as well), how many hours later it should bind you, and then for how long it should keep you locked up. It has Timebound, which just unties you, and general timelock, that will clear all owners when done (Not visible for self bondage)
Invisi-cage - This limits you to an area specified in the menu, varying from 3 meters to 25. Should you walk out of this boundary, you'll be dragged back to the middle.
Mannequin Mode - This mode will freeze you when certain conditions are met. You can set it as Dependant or Secret. For Dependant, you will freeze if there is no one near by, for secret, you will freeze if people are too close. You can set the range from 5 meters all the way up to 90.
Catatonic - You will randomly freeze every so often.
Keep Away - Will forcibly push you away from any other person.
PA Plugin - Please see my multi-cuff review for info on this.
Bell Control - When turned on, you'll jingle a bit as you move.
The locking system for RF is fairly simple. One person takes the keys, they can then give the keys to someone else or leave them hanging again.. Or just hold onto them until rather a timelock is done or they feel like releasing you.
The Master Key is a prim key that is similar to a realkey. You can rez the key in the air next to the bound captive and anyone who touches it has access to your restraint. It also has a necklace key, which you wear and anyoen who touches it well.. You're asking for trouble.
I don't own much KDC gear, but what I do own seems to lack plugins of any sort, so onto the locking!
In the case of the Straitjacket, its simple. Nobody, Anybody, Group or Whitelist. Each one of these is self explaintory. When strapped up, theres 4 levels of strictness, each one been harder to use the mini-game to escape from.
Her more recent devices, such as the Ballgag I covered before are in theory good.. But this is not a review, so won't go into that.
Two types of locks.The first kind is the fingerprint scanner, included in the box with the gag for example, without an NC to explain it, so a general everyday user will attach it, touch it, and bind it to their own fingerprint, no one else will be able to use it. This allows a fingerprint lock to be applied ot the restraint (Touch it on your hud, then the restraint), and repeat the process to remove it. Only the person whos finger is bound to the lock can open it.
The other kind is a normal padlock. However it can only be used on one restraint at a time. The key however can be placed on a surface, and anyone who clicks it can access the locked restraint. Again good in theory..
Mesmerize Dungeon
MD have a few things worth explaining
Group Key - You can sync it with your current group, then hand out the key. This key can then be used if you are in the synced group.
Picklock - The picklock is the easiest way to escape the locks. You cannot picklock yourself when bound, and you can never picklock your collar either. You can assign one person to picklock your gear providing they have the lockpick tool. They just need to attach it (best to the hud) and click it. They'll get a mini-game of sorts. 6 options, eahc one has 6 numbers it cna scroll through. When all 6 are on the correct number, you turn it and it opens.
Theres a simple albeit slow process to this. Move one cylinder up one point, turn it, repeat and turn it again, and keep doing this till it says something moved. That means this one is correct, so move onto the next and repeat. This time it'll say two things moved when you hit the right number. The tumblers can all fall however, making you restraint, BUT the numbers do not reset, so it would sitll be the same ones as before.
Signature - Not really unique to MD, but thougth I'd mention it. It adds a title above the head of the restrained person, can be adjusted in colour and text, and be hidden or made visible.
The locking for this is very simple. The Primary owner (set via owners) has access all the timer. The Sec owners can overule anyone bar the primary, and everyone else just needs to hit the restraint when it is exposed and/or unlocked and choose to go in.
Thats all for this set, more plugins will be posted about in future.
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It is very too nice post and gives us a lot of information about Restraint Systems, and I think which is well define about Restraint Systems.Restraint Systems