Two versions of this you can get, the more traditional one that you'd not be surprised to see in an Asylum, and the latex one which I own.

It has 7 plugins, Leashing, Give Keys, Invisi-cage, the RLV menu (and the typical restrictions contained within) Mannequin, A rleay and Keep Away. For more detail on these plugins I may do an extra post sometime to cover them more thoroughly than I have done so far in the reviews,
Thats really all it carries now.
The Secure Boots
First things first, these are compaible with the RF secure cuffs, which I will review at a later date.
Theres a couple of things to note here. The boots also have a seperate set of thigh cuffs which come with them. These are for all intent and purposes exactly the same as the secure cuffs from the other set, and designed to work with them seamlessly.

They carry a lot of colour options, allowing you to fine tune the boot to how you want it to look, at least to some extent.
It has 5 plugins. A leash (which also gives out a leash post and handle). It has teh sounds menu ounfd in her other restraints. It also has Aux bound. With this turned on, the Phantom Binder found with some RF products and at the RF sim can bind you, so be careful if you turn it on!
It has cycle bound and future lock. The latter does as expected and locks you at some point in time to be specified in the menu. Cycle bound is, for people like myself who get bored of a single pose for too long, brilliant. It does as the name suggests, and after a preset time, will change what pose you are bound in. And this thing has a LOT of poses.
Under the Restraints menu, there are 4 options. Hobble and Hobble2, Immobile and Repose. Repose I covered in a previous blog, it helps if you get animation glitches. The other 3 all have poistions within. It can bind you in a total of 24 differant poses. That alone makes it one of the BEST restraints in SL for those that like variation.
Otherwise it has the rest of the basic stuff. Expose, Timelock, etc.
Restrained Freedom im world -
Quality - I'd say it looks pretty good, if a little dated. Not amazing, not bad. - 7/10
Function - 2 poses, few plugins.. Nothing too special - 6/10
Price - 350 linden. Its a good restraint, and thats a fair asking price - 8/10
Average - 7/10
Quality - These look good, and are heavily customizable. Go well with a lot of outfits - 9/10
Function - Ton of poses, work in tandem with the cuff set, decent plugins.. I can;t fault them - 10/10
Price - 500 Linden. You get your moneys worth here. - 9/10
Average - 9.5/10
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