As you'd expect of Marine, it looks great. Its a tight, thick leather hood, with tight lacing on the back in what is often called the Gwen Style. The open upper face and covered mouth work really well with it.

It has three hair options as well. Up, which is the ponytail, Down, which has hair come out the bottom of the bakc of thood as if it was been pressed down, and none, which of course means you're rather bald, short haired or have it tucked into the hood. You can change which option you use via the Hood Texture plugin
The hood has 9 colours, and can have the laces or skin (the main part) coloured seperately. The hair has 10 colours, and can have the sides, or three seperate middle sections seperatly recoloured to allow for streaks in your hair if you like.
The Blindfold (comes with the hood) matches the hood perfectly, and can be recoloured as well, allowing you to make it the same as the hood, or contrast it to stand out more.

Theres Autolock, which locks the hood at a later time. It can be set to lock for a certain amount of time, or just indefinatly till the locker releases it. The timer (both autolack and normal) can also be set to RL time if you so wish.
You can adjust some gag options via plugins as well. You can have it monitor and shorten emotes, have it restrict slashes.. Uncertain of how or what it does. Block or restrict IMs (DON'T!) and also affect typing. Lastly there is give keys and "hood.." which just has IM blocking again and can block chat

The blindfold has 6 levels of blinding, each one making it harder to see through the HUD than the last, bar the small hole in the middle. It has RL time, Give keys, Autolock, realkey and the recolour plugins.
The and hood blindfold can be set to silent and/or male via the "tools.." menu, and the "More.." menu has a few more handy things such as allowing you to turn the alarm on and off and lets you choose to hide or show the timers.
When locked, a "Special" menu that has Alarm and Verbose stuff in it comes up, while tools disapears. The "more.." menu gets some timer settings and a button to take you into the full timer menu as well.
As this is technically one restraint in two pieces, on set of scores will do.
Quality - Very high, and quite unique, I know of no other locking hood in this style, most these days are tattoo layer only and have no function at all - 9/10
Function - Carries a lot between the two pieces, does what a hood needs to, all ina ll has plenty built in with a couple of nice extras - 8/10
Price - 450 linden. For what it has, thats very reasonable. - 8/10
Average - 8.5
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