Katies most recent straitjacket today. Once again I may be little bit biased due to my love of these things.

It carries 9 latex colours and an alternate texture called institute, which is the kind you'd expect to find in an asylum. Unless thay make the patients wear latex ones nowadays anyway.. Anyway. The straps carry both latex and leather looks, as does the trim. The metal carries the normal three colours.

It has a key system, and also allows for a Master Key and sec owners. The masterkey is somewhat like the RR realkey, although more secure. The key can also be rezzed next to you when you're helpless and anyoen who clicks it will be able to access your restraints via it. Nasty.
It has two positions, Strapped front and strapped back. Not much else you can do with a straitjacket that that. Lastly is carries a load of sub anims to allow you to pose just right for whatever it is you may be doing.
Visit Katie in SL! - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Xoliantha/58/191/501/?title=Restrainted%20Freedom
Quality - I'm biased, the SJ to me is one of the best restraints in existance, and Katies made a great looking one - 10/10
Function - Does what it needs to, has some nice extras - 8/10
Price - 500 Linden. Not high, not low. Fairly reasonable - 8/10
Average - 8.5
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