Starting with the gag.

It looks great, quite a unique design for SL. Nice tight mask over your moth and nose, straps going around your head, with added blindfold and earmuffs optional. As expected of Katie, the textures are well done, and it comes with plenty of colour options. 9 for the latex, 3 for the metal. You can also have it add a funnel if you want..
On function, this has a fair bit stuffed into it. It has basic RLV options, such as restrict IM (Something that should never be done), shortening emotes, etc. The eyepad of course works as blindfold and the earmuffs can half or fully deafen the sub. It can be exposed, which takes away nearly all control from you if you get the gag put on while its turned on. When ungaged you can switch back quite easily. It also has a gag evasion system, and can alter your camera allowances, from mouselook up 25 meters if turned on.
Theres also the gagging type. There is human, the normal everyday gagging, but also Kitty and Puppy. Using these changes your name in chat to ^Kitty <name>^ or *Puppy <name>*. On the next menu we have some of the more basic options. A key menu (take/leave and give), timelock and the style menu. Its worth nothing that the gag has a timelock that can be put on for as long as a week, which personally would make me murder the gagger, but some like that length.
Theres then a mumbler, which adjust how badly garbled yoru speech is. Mumble, Garble, Incoherant and silence are there as expected (mumble been lightest, silent doing as name suggests). Then there is Pet and Thinking. Pet make syou come wiht nothing but Mmphs, while thinking. For me when testing this, I would get my message come up, and on the next line "Aria thinks ...". Also on this line is Lock, and channel which adjust which channel you are garbled on. The line below handles the blindfold (Faux, half and full) ,earmuffs (partial, full), and the gag/ungag option.
Thats it for the gag, onto the skirt!
It looks pretty good. The skirt is nice and latexy, while the belt itself has some fancy metalwork along the belt itself. It also comes with a pair of cuffs that lock your wrisst to the belt, a nice little addition. As far as I know, this was somewhat designed so that back when it was first made, you could wear a skirt and a belt. As this was before the add command came in, it was a great idea, as you had to wear one or the other, not both back then.

It has all of katies usualy plugins, the mannequin mode, invisi-cage, etc. and the general RLV plugins (No TP, Inv, etc). There is of course a timelock as well.

Visit Katie in SL! -
Quality - Very high, another unique look form Katie as well - 8/10
Function - This has a ton of stuff crammed in, I can;t fault it at all - 10/10
Price - 400 linden for an excellent gag - 9/10
Average - 9/10
Quality - Its quite high, back when it was first made it would of been great, but its a little dated now - 7/10
Function - It does what a belt should do, with some extra stuff thrown in as Katie seems to always do - 8/10
Price - 400 linden, pretty sure thats cheaper than most belts in SL. - 8/10
Average - 7.5
Pet also makes you speak in woofs and meows if you are a puppy or kitten :)