It looks nice and shiny of course, and the straps can be used to make a good contrast in colour. Been mesh, its of very high quality in shape, with none of that annoying resizing needed or any worries of prims clipping.. With the exception of the collar. Because Rigged mesh is like clothes, it can't be edited on the body, but the collar is unrigged, a smart move by Kat Fetisov. This allows the collar to work as a controller without needing an extra attachment, such as DXW uses instead. The design is very well done, a zip at the back, tight straps at key locations around the body.. If you zoom in close, you can even see the seams down the back. Its beautiful.
To top it off, occasionally you'll squirm in it a little. A nice little touch, I know how hard it can be to stay still in these things..
It carries two recolour plugins, one for the main bag and one for the straps. both can be changed to one of 10 colours.

Next is the RLV menu, three options here, you can choose to block Activities. This stops stuff like inventory access. Location, which is of course the map, etc. Lastly there is Info, whichs stops you seeing names and hover text.
There is of course a leash and a timer. And the aforementioned struggle mini-game. Five options in it, Wriggle, Shimmy and Stretch are the primary escape ones, with examine which tells you what might work and Ask, which asks a nearby avatar to help you. They can choose to do so, which will greatly boost you towards escape.. Or they can choose to hinder, which does the opposite. Watch out for evil people who want you helpless and wriggling.
It also has a built in tiredness meter. The more you hop, the tireder you get, and as such you hop slower. I think it uses the same tiredness from the struggle mini-game, so doing either will tire you out. Staying still for awhile lets you rest and get back up to speed.
Get it at Tess' little shop of kink in Lineside! - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Lineside/80/148/78/?title=Little%20Shop%20of%20Kink
Quality - I cannot get over how good this thing looks! 10/10 easy.
Function - Its got some nice stuff, the idea of hopping making you tired is very smart. 9/10
Price - 500 Linden for a set, rubber or leather. Compared to most mesh toys, thats very good. - 8/10
Average - 9/10
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