Tight leather, lots of straps around the head, with options of a large ball, a tight panel or a ring for that mouth.. There's a ball/bit combo and just the bit by itself via a certain menu as well. You can also just have the harness, with no gag in your mouth.
Comes with plenty of appearance options. A harness or simple for each type, which can then be further adjusted. The simple could have a chin strap added, or the aforementioned bit. For the full harness styles, you can remove the chin strap and just have the base and overhead straps. Both also have an invisible option..
That option seems to be for use with hoods and other prop gags, as far as I can tell. You could theoretically use invisible on the RR, then put another gag on that say, has terrible garbling, or no scripts at all, to match the RP better. Its a nice idea.

It does have patterns, with plenty of options from stuff like camo, or a pattern of skulls to crueler things like barbed wire. You can apply each of these to surfaces or sections as well of course. There's also plenty of text options built in, and I believe you can make your own.
The blindfold that comes with it is similar, although it has only one appearance. You can hit just lock if you want a nice blindfold without the restriction.. However if you have RLV 2.9 or higher, Marines new blindfold system is included, which is far superior to the old HUD one. I'll explain it more below. You can also hide the blindfold strap that goes around the head, or set it invisible.
They are both all mesh, and very easy to fit, split into logical parts. There is an alpha included for those of us that use viewers like firestorm that no longer have functional invisiprims, so that we can use the panel gag without our lips clipping
The gag has eight options to start with. A simple round the head Ball or Ring, that can be changed to bit via the style menu. Then you get the harness options, which include a panel, again with bit style via that menu. The harness gags are the equivalent of tighter settings on her other gags, garbling you more, with Panel being a full out mmph mode. You can also do total of any style, though it doesn't appear different from the harness version.

The rest of the options are laid out as follows - Lock/unlock. self explanatory. Locking it will rez the harness without a gag in your mouth, adjustable via style. Last Plug is not a plug, but a shortcut to the last plugin used. Take/Leave keys follows, fairly obvious what these do.
Special has some useful commands. Allowing a chat command to access the gag, update, verbose, etc, as well as the ever important timer option. Plugins follows, but will get to that in a moment. More.. is the last option, and contains the last two Total gag options, a pair of timer options for quick use, and an option to access the full timer system again.
Plugins top row contains the Realkey, which is a lock bypass system, RL time, which sets a timer based on the real world, not time logged in, and the Style menu, allowing you to adjust what parts of the gag are visible. The second row has Give Keys, an obvious one, HeadHarness, for adjusting the appearance of the gag (colour/texture/etc) and Leash.
The Last row contains Wriggle, an odd one to see here as that's usually for changing pose I believe, Autolock, for setting a time in the future when the gag will lock in a specific style, and Gag.. which has all the RLV restrictions like IM block, emote blocking, etc in it.
The blindfold is a similar layout. The first 6 options adjust the strictness, Lock/unlock puts the blindfold on and off without restriction, etc. The plugins contained are Realkey, RL Time, Style, Autolock, Give Keys and HeadHarness.
The big thing about this blindfold is the new system is uses for blinding. I unfortunately don't have RLV 2.9 yet, so I'm including a link here to some pictures by someone on DA who kindly covers each level of the blindfold and how it works - CLICK HERE

Its a very effective system, and I can't do it justice without pictures sadly, thankfully that link above shows it off quite nicely.
Additional info
Quick gag layout stuff. Ring > Plugins > Style > Bit if you want to use a bit gag.
Ball > Plugins > Style > Bit if you want the combo gag.
My thoughts
A very good gag and blindfold combo. Very fair price, 450 linden. Some handy options for RP with the invisible options, and when Firestorm eventually updates to RLV 2.9 (rumours state late November/Early decemeber) I actually look forwards to using that blindfold system. It actually looks quite fun to use compared to those stupid huds. Letting you see things while keeping them blank and featureless is a great way to go.
The only real fault I have is the menu isn't really that well laid out. I'd like to be able to save presets in the HeadHarness menu as well, for quick swaps.
Its No Copy/Mod/Trans.