Now after the rope coil, which while not bad, weren't Katies best. I was a little wary, but I'd say right off the bat the textures here are much better, as are the options.
You get a HUD, as is standard now (and should be for all stores!), and includes 1 tape texture, and 10 bandage, as well as the RGB grid, shine, etc options.

In terms of poses, it has a fair few. 3 standing, including a knee knocked that reduce unwraps your lower legs, a nice touch. 3 sits, 4 lays, an immobile and 4 hogties. All of these work well, although the hogties aren't quite what I expected (legs tight, extra wrappings over.) The single strip looks a little weird, but is functional.
You can also choose to wrap the head, which includes blindfold, gag and ear plugging options, and the feet. Whats more, the gag and blindfold, and even the tape earmuffs, can be used without the rest of the wrapping, a very nice touch. They are unrigged for easier fitting.
Also? I kinda love that little walk we use in the Standsh pose instead of hopping
All in all, very well made.
As always, take the keys before wrapping yourself, lest you get taped/bandaged up and unable to free yourself. Unless you want that anyway. While holing the keys, the first menu is the Style menu, which can be ignored really thanks to the HUD. Other people can of course use it, but in the long run, easier to just ask the actual wearer to HUD it.

Restraints follows this, and is pretty packed. You have 5 menus for accessing the poses mentioned before, 3 options for tightness, Katies rather nice system of adding restrictions, then you have Extra Wraps>, in which you'll find options such as Head, Feet (which wrap or unwrap the selected option), the gag, blindfold and earmuffs. The gag has Katies usual options, and is in truth a complete product in itself. Back int he main menu, you finally have Unlock, which I doubt i need to explain.
If you are the sub, and don't have the keys, you get 4 options. Escape, which brings you to the standard RF minigame for wriggling free. (Select one of 6 options, get so many right until you get out, must rest every 6 or so. Struggle, which lets you try to wriggle into another pose, or tighten the restraints. Style, same as before, and Restraints. In this menu, you can freely go into a stricter pose, but must struggle to get into a looser one. This system was added with the rope coil I believe.
My thoughts
A HUGE improvement over the rope coil, and an obvious evolution of it to my eye. This product is just more polished, more options, cheaper and is just better in every way. I'm glad to see a return to form, as while the rope coil was by no means bad, it wasn't Katies usual level of quality. This? Far better.

You may of noticed that we compare this a fair bit to the rope coil.. Which is not entirely intentional, but is similar in concept, if not execution.
Its 750 Linden
S & S thoughts below as normal these days
S one
- Could see herself buying this product
- Fills a void in the market
- All features she'd need
- Wishes it had wrapping progression
- Hogtie poses are a bit lacking
- Dislike menu system (and RFs menus as a whole)
- Scripts and plugins are as solid as ever, but also share same weaknesses as before
- Hogties aren't bad
- Look is excellent, what would be expected for a 2014 product
- Price is steep, but better
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