Its a chandelier of sorts, available in three sizes, in an X with candles on each point, held in a golden candlestick. Then someone gets chained with a limb pointing towards each candle, and a couple more placed carefully upon their back for good measure. The base is rather more worn looking, with the frame appearing to be made of thick metal with rather large rivets.

There's not too much in here. When you first rez the base and touch it, you'll get four buttons, Small, Medium or Large, as well as Help. The first three will rez the Candlier itself below the base, on a length of chain decided by the option chosen. Help will prompt you to open a webpage that is used instead of a notecard manual.
Once Rezzed, the base will give out 3 new options, keeping Help from the previous menu. Scan will, within a range specified in the settings menu, search for people with an RLV relay, and then give you the option to try and snag one of them. Self Bondage works in a similar way, except instead of searching for someone, it attempts to grab you, providing you have a relay on.
Settings gives a rather large submenu. The top two rows of options are split between Access, Friction and Range. Selecting the up or down Access option will cycle through Public, Group or Owner options, deciding who can use the menus. Friction relates to the Candliers party piece, and will be covered below. Range adjusts how far the scan option will search for people.
Below these options you'll find Self Bondage, in which you can adjust the timer at intervals of 10 minutes, an hour or 10 hours. After that, added in the most recent update, is an option to toggle the Start IM RLV restriction, previously on at all times and impossible to disable, so a welcome change. Lastly you have Reset, which will reset in the scripts in the base. This does not derez the Candlier itself, which must be rather deleted or taken when finished with, as it is a separate object.

This things party piece isn't in a menu, but in its use of SL physics. Once you or someone else is hanging from it, anyone can click on the chain and move you around, causing you to sway, swing or even spasm wildly through the air depending where and how they move it. The closer to the base, the better control you'll have over how they move. Unfortunately short of a video, I am currently unable to really show how this works.
Bug wise I only encountered one, when using the medium size of the 1.1.3 version where it literally just fell down, and me with it. The menu of the base changed back to asking you to rez a new one, and no release option or timer was available, forcing me to safeword. This happened twice, and I was unable to recreate it after that. May of just being SL going crazy.
Additional info
Not much to put here for this one. Its copy/mod, despite saying no mod. Thats just down to the scripts being locked down, not the object itself. The candles themselves aren't a very good lightsource if you use shadows and are in a sim where the sim builder has sensibly not put everything on full bright like an idiot, so if you use these, make sure to have other lightsources as well.
The images, in order from top to bottom, the default camera focus, a rear angle, and one in motion, shown as best I can.
My thoughts
I quite like it, especially the concept. My Mistress certainly had fun having ti swing around like a tornado with me on it at least. Its not got many options, and may seem a little barebones. There's not much it would need added though.

You could also say more colour options, which I can't entirely disagree with. Silver and gold doesn't match everyones decor after all, and while you can adjust colour via edit, its not quite the same. Still, at least editing is allowed for it.
It costs 349 linden, for as many copies as you can fit in your sim.
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