
They all have their own little quirks as well, the base bandage for example has a little bow just under the neck when your torso is snugly wrapped. The shrink wrap appears stretched, while the latex is perfectly smooth and seamless, sprayed on. They also have style menus, allowing for various changes to the restraint, such as uncovering the breasts or hands.
Not all of it is rigged, so you may need to make some adjustments. They for the most part seem easier than the siren ropes however, which many will be glad to hear. You can also toggle between rigged breasts wrappings and unrigged, for if you use tangos or the like.
In terms of poses.. You have eight for the upper body, and another eight for the lower. Pet, a leg based on, wil force your arms into Pony no matter what they may of been in originally.. and forces you to hobble along on elbows and knees, something SL hasn't had many options for in the past.
Many of the poses have a load of extra options in the Style menu, letting you change, for example, the elbow only pose to be a full wrap around your upper arms, 1 strip. 2 strips or 3 strips. Elbows Only, Arms Tight and Pony have 4 extra styles, While the other options do not for the arms.
Legs wise, you have Five styles for the hobble option (including a dress that can be worn without other bonds), tight, mummy, lie and mummy lie have four, Hogtie has six, frogtie and pet seven.

The blindfold has a handy option that lets you cover the top of your head with it as well, for that full all over Mummy look.
Of all the parts that will take you time to fit, expect the head to be the longest. Getting all of the prims to sit flush with each other perfectly can be quite difficult.
There's also a pair of nipple pasties, and a crotch covering for good measure, both of unrigged mesh. You can also, if you tie without binding, get a dress like outfit, which is quite nice. Casual minidress.. turned into full out rubber cocoon. What more could you want?
The biggest issue with all this, due to an SL limitation, all the materials are in separate boxes, and their own prim sets. Meaning once one is fitted, you need to refit all the others. Marine does have an option to make this a lot less hassle, covered below, but you may find some fine tuning is still needed.
Due to SLs terrible wireskeleton, you may experience a few issues with the fitted mesh, especially on areas such as the breasts. Its unfortunate, but not something that can be fixed without a whole new avatar skeleton been made by SL.
The top two rows are always related to the binding. All the poses are here, the strictness of the gag and blindfold, etc. In the case of the arms and legs, two more poses are also in the More.. menu.

In the Special submenu, you'll find Block, which stops the sub interacting with the environment, Mouselook to force them into first person, Autoref, which is auto refresh, helps to keep your poses from breaking. /77 allows you to turn on menu access via that channel. Alarm On/Off will turn on the domme alert should you cheat around the restraint in some way. Last plug appears again, as does Verbose, which if off, doesn't send messages to local chat. You can also find the Timer.. menu in here, as well as the Plugins button and Main to take you back to the menu.
Timer.. Will take you to a timelock menu with a variety of options. You can hide the timer from others, and turn it off here of course. Whats more curious is how its down. Used by Marine before, instead of a preset option, you have a range per button, I.E 2h-6h, which will add anywhere from 2 hours to 6 hours to the captives timer. You do have standard options like +10mn as well, but its nice to see those other ones still around.
Plugins.. has 3 pages for the Arms section of the restraint. The first is Control.. which has a ton of RLV related restrictions you can activate or deactivate. The follow up is Cover Hands.. which allows you to wrap the hands.Hitting wrap will apply all touch restrictions, if you then select one of the three other options in there, you'll remove that restriction. Keep touch self active if you don't want to get stuck.
MummyTex comes next. In here you can select the Section to edit, a surface to also edit and the opacity and tint. Anim follows that, which allows you to setup and adjust all the animations.. or you can use the HUD for a much smoother, easier experience. Allow lets the person who enters it to make themselves exempt from IM or TP blocks. I.E the domme restricts IMs and TP for the captive, but also turns the exempt on for themselves. They will be abel to TP or IM the sub, but no one else will be able to.. Unless also exempt from a previous session.
Marines usual Autolock follows that, with Style on the second page. There's another Touch restrictions menu next, separate from the hand wrappings. Unwear.. which lets you take their clothes or attachments off if you so wish, which Outfit lets you adjust what they have on, what they are allowed and not allowed to wear, etc, all done via RLV folders.
RL time lets you change the timer to use a constant timer, even when logged out, as opposed to the standard one that runs down only when the sub is in world. Sit.. is a force sit option, with unsit and No stand options as well. Lastly is Wear, which lets you decide where the sub can wear clothing, and where they can not. (I.E no tops, but underwear allowed)
That about covers the arms..

To save space I'll only cover those options that Arms don't have.
In Plugins.. You'll find a wriggle menu, to allow you to try and get into another pose. Then there's Cover Feet. This has.. a lot of options, regarding various heels you may have. Its actually a really nice system, allowing the wrapped to go over the heels without clipping. It has options specifically for SLink heels. You can have it wrap all the way to the toes, just over the ankles, or half way down your feet, with or without heels on.
The gag works quite a bit differently to the arms, as you might expect. The gag levels make the gag much stricter, in both appearance and function. The max silences you, while the one just below makes you Mmmmph, the other two garble you to various degrees.
Plugins has some differences again. The Gag RLV menu under it has a lot of options for punishing people who try to cheat, and a very handy option that stops the keyholder blocking your IMs if you dislike that kind of thing. It also has the Wriggle menu that arms lacks, allowing you to adjust your gag. Cover Ears is also here, which allows you to deny them local chat and IM hearing.. Lot of IM restrictions in this kit.
Very Funny.. Is also in here, which allows you to write on the gag to various degrees, or put an Anime like emote face on it. An example Marine gave was to wrap the person head to toe, with hair free. Colour some black, the legs and head flesh colour, then apply a face with a blank expression.. Anyone watching from a distance would be unable to tell it was a real person. Very handy RP options there.
Lastly we have the blindfold. It has Six options for vision blurring, however if you hit just Tie, you'll get a faux blindfold as well.It also contains the all important Shape plugins. This will, when used, save the current size, rotation and position of all the unrigged prims for all parts. You can then undo say, the bandages, and put on the nylons, then load, to save time. You may need to do some minor adjustments, but should save a lot of work.
My thoughts
For the most part? I love it. It has a few issues, such as the Shape plugin not woking right for me, and an issue with the SL skeleton causing some odd ridges in the mesh, particularly on the breasts.
But I love it still. It has so many options that SL bondage has lacked for so long, and the sheer variety of poses, looks and adjustablility this thing has cannot be overlooked. We even got transparent mummification as a possibility at last!
The price is 1250, I personally say thats worth it for the sheer volume inside.
Loosen/Tighten is referred to the ability of others to take control of the restraints without having to solve the "mini-game". It's the same option that appears in the ropes (shibari and siren) and tape gag.
ReplyDeleteWhen loosen, anyone who click the restraint get the main menu, and take control using "Tighten" (leaving the current selected pose) or a lock positon
Ahh, thank you, will fix that in the review.