
From others, most I've spoken to agree that it would be much better if they were, and hell some evn said they'd buy it if they didn't need to have the ridiculous bust. Unfortunatly Amelie Barbour has no interest or desire to make them optional at this time. Shame.
There are a lot of colours options, and the boots come in a seperate box if you want to wear them without the whole suit, which is a plus I suppose. The mittens are also optional if you;d prefer to use your own set.
The good - Seperate boots and mittens if you like, lots of oclours
The bad - The bust, which ruins it in my eyes.
The functionality is.. Interesting.
Right off the bat, unless you want to be stuck for who knows how long, unable to be freed by yourself or others, do not touch the "I AM DOLLY" button. This ridiculous option that has no description or explanation locks the suit on, gags you, imposes name and lcoation blocking, gives no way to escape and as far as I can tell, rather no timer, or an incredibly long one. This would be fine if there was some warning, but as there isn't.. Don't touch it.
Otherwise its the same as most of her gear. You set it to single key or anyone, if it gets locked in single key the keyholder can unlock it, even if its just you who has the key. Anyone does at it suggests, anyone can lock, everyone bar the bound one can unlock. Unlike most of her gear, this one at least has a timer. The startup menu also lets you adjust appearance.
The gag system is interesting. While the actual appearance of the gag stays the same, the options you choose change how the speech comes out. Quite a good idea in truth, as differant gags do muffle you in differant ways. You can also have a "mantra". From what I coudl tell, this is a message that occasionally plays in local such as "one of us". You can also adjust the name shown in chat when they speak.
If youa re the binder, you can also go into this and hit message, which will let you force them to say something via a channel specified in local.
The blindfold can be turned off, have it shown (imposes soem RLV restrictions such as location and anmes) or full, which of course blinds as well as everything the previous option does. No faux option without RLV restrictions in place.
If you are stuck in I AM DOLLY and possibly by someone else in Single Key mode, peopel get the option to force you to speak, grope you or I believe spank you.
The good - interesting gag system, simple menus, decent options, timer
The bad - lack of faux blindfold,
The terrible - I AM DOLLY button.
Quality - if bust was optional? This coulda got a 10. As not? - 4/10
Function - 7/10
Price - 895 linden - 5/10
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