Another sensations piece today, their gag this time.
Lets see.. Its a harness gag by default, with, to be honest, a half ton of
options built in. I count 20 primary gags, with sub options to most of them as well. Quite effective.
add-ons menu and gags menu are both packed. You can adjust the gag to
be a normal single strap, or with just a chin strap, to the full
harness. You can add pony blinders, a plume, and so on

terms of colouring, there's plenty of options as well, lots of
colouring, with each part of the gag able to be retextured individually
(so if you wanted neon green straps, with a pink ball, yellow metal and a
purple plume, you could)
So yes, all in all a VERY customisable gag, so that's good.
bad? This thing is a pest to fit, at least for my shape, so if you see
any slight clipping or the something else that seems off in the pics,
you know why.
So a few things to note first before I do my usual method of top left to bottom right.
thing is slow. When you hit an option to adjust how it looks, expect to
wait a good 20 seconds or so for it to register. The other issue is
that it seems to IM block by default. You need to manually set it to not IMmute. Bit of a pest, that
option should NEVER be on by default.
Now to the normal reviewing.
first menu is help. In here you can get a help NC, go to a help
webpage, get an FAQ or get the Sensations HUD. The second is Touchable.
This stops others touching it if turned off I believe. Lastly for the
top row we have Update, self explanatory.
The next is
Deactivate/Activate. This pretty much is what makes the gag work.
Restraint is your typical RLV menu.. With options for just about every
possible thing, 6 pages worth. It can even stop you changing group.
Lastly for row 2 is Add/Remove, a menu that lets you go into the RLV
folder of the wearer, or your own, handy if inventory is blocked.)

3 starts with gags, the main dish. As said above, there are 20
different gags, with suboptions for good measure. As also said above,
albeit a bti lower down than the previous one, you need to manually
unIMmute each one.
One gag is slightly different.
table. When used, you can select something to be placed on it such as
chocolate or a cigarette, and it will give it out to any who touch it.
is mentioned above, you can also find an IM-Mute button in here (turn
it off!), as well as blindfold. The blindfold blocks your vision using enviromental filters or the like, no HUD, and can't be bypassed without having RLV
off if you want to see it in full. You can also adjust tightness in
here, making the gag garble you more or less, or even not at all.
for row three is Appearance. In here you can change the sub-options for
your gag (say ball by itself, or with a mask as well), as well as retexture it, and lastly resize it.
Last row is fairly simple. You can leash first and foremost.. Which has some interesting options. A public leash mode, the leashes texture, and so on. The owner button is simple, add an owner for the gag. Lastly is lock. In here you can set "Memory", which reminds you who locked it. Pickable, which lets you well, pick the locks, and leave/hide key for obvious usage. It would seem you cannot lock it yourself.

Perhaps the worst bit for me is the lack of a timelock. I mean I can live with the rest of the issues, as they are easily fixed.. but no timelock is always a bad thing. Another minor issue is the anim priority, when I used stuff like the bit gag, my lower jaw kept trying to close then open again, very slight, but noticeable when zoomed in for pic taking.
My thoughts
I like this gag, despite its issues, but its very much one I'd say thats not for RP. Everytime I changed gag, I found myself having to adjust it again, which is not good when the emotes are flowing. For photoshoots though, I imagine it would be amazing. Add in a timelock, and this thing would be one of, if not the best, multi-gag in SL that I know of.
Appearance - Iffy fitting, otherwise very nice - 8/10
Function -
Slowdown, no timelock, auto-IMblock.. - 7/10
Price - 950 linden