I'm using a slightly differant system this time, summarising the good and bad at the end of their sections and leaving the scores area a bit cleaner. Any comments on whether this is better or worse would be appreciated.
Also the first time i have someone guest write for my blog, most due to necessity. So say hello to Lance, his post is in the ---- area ----

The idea here is to turn the sub into a fetish canine appearing helpless pet. This does that qute well to some extent, all nice tight shiny rubber. The tattoo layer outfit you get with it seems kind of low res though, and a little blurry because of it.
I'm not into puppy play, or the whole animal shaped hood thing, but the textures and design of this one are well done, and it blends quite well with the tattoo layer, alebit slightly more detailed.
The paws on the other hand seem.. Off. The're just flat black or whatever colour your chose, not rubbery at all.
The good - Shiny, actually makes you look like a rubber pup
The bad - Low res texture on the main outfit, paws lack detail.
Quite a lot to say here.
Fromt he subs perspective, this is a tough restraint to deal with. The hud shown is the means by which the sub can act, all of those buttons apparently make you do an emote, however the sub has no way of knowing if an animation happens or not.
This is because the sub is forced into mouselook at all times, if you zoom out, the hud goes pure black, you can see nothing. And its not toggable, which is a strike against it. You can click the hud by holding down alt, which makes you abel to freely move the mouse instead of the camera.

At first you can;t hear anything, just get a lot of "...". Over time you can 'learn' words You can only know 20 advanced words at one time, and there are about 30 core words as well.
You need to hear a core word 10 times to learn it, with only one time per minute counting. Advanced words take 20 times, only once per 3 minutes counting. You can remove words as well.
We didn't have the time, nor patience, to overly test this, but it seems both interesting and annoying at the same time. Its functionally very well done, but in use it is defiantly only for the heavy puppy play RPers.
I had Lance help me with this, so the following bits on the owners menu are his impressions.
Hey all

You can set a home for the puppy, and use the menu to send them their at any time. It has a mode button, which allows you to cycle between Public (expose), owner and group and just owner. You can leash and timelock as well. Theres also a muzzle, which stops the captive using the Bite command.
There is give treats and give toys as well. Toys can be thrown for the sub to fetch, with various settings that can adjust speed and such. Treats restore a bit of stamina, which I think Aria can cover as I have no idea what its for.
Theres a load of hearing commands, we didn't have much time so we couldn't actually test to see how well the learning worked, but its all done via chat in channel 44 (I.E /44Aria hearing teach girl). You can also rename the puppy using these commands.
Back to me.
Theres training system as well. When bound you can approach people and.. Sniff them once per 30 seconds or so. Sniff someone 10 times and you can see their display name.Theres also scent, which we never goit to test, but apparently it lets you track the trainer and any treats or toys they throw.
There is a stamina "stat" that goes down over time, when it gets low, you need to sleep. It can be raised at the Laps building or at an Agility course. I'm guessing these the buildings outside DSTs store. Every 6 minutes you sleep restores an hours worth of stamina. When sleeping, you are blind, deaf and mute.
The Good - Well done scripting, very good for Puppyplay RPers, very well done hud system
The Bad - Auto IM block, Auto Mouselook, not for casual play,
Quality - 7/10
Function - 8/10
Price - 1000 linden, functionally worth it, but only for the hardcore. - 6/10
You can find them at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Kinky%20Magic/55/224/22/?title=DST right next to Stones N Rubber
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