
Regardless, in design it seems to be a posture collar, and the textures do look very nice.. But it has no colour options. You're stuck with the black and purple. It also can be a little annoying to fit properly.
The Good - Well textured, unique design, shint
The bad - no colour options, can be difficult to fit.
When I was visiting the store and speaking with one of its owners, I was informed taht all the collars they stock have the exact same functionality. As such oen review covers them ALL. Saves me soem work down the line I suppse. Kinda like kidnapped in that way.
However, unlike kidnapped, theres a hell of a lot in these collars..
As always, top left to bottom right. This list is from the locked menu, I think the list order chanegs when unlocked.
First up there is the ever brillaint timer. You can use this to of course set how long the restraint is locked for, but also use it to set up regular shocks, whether or not it unleashes you and even if it frees you from the animation you are currently using. Following this is Update, self explanitory.
Theres a bell in here as well. Can adjust how loud it is, and turn it on or off. The RLV menu gave me some trouble, as when locked I had the optiont o turn RLV on, and that was it. When unlocked it let me in a bit further. You can access teh RLV folders, turn on various RLV restrictions and of force TP as well.
The Shock menu is a sort of gag I suppose. Should the wearer speak while its active, they recieve a nasty shock. The higher the setting, the worse the shock, which of course has accompanying anims.
The next menu is giveme. In it are a few interesting things. 3 differant handles, a landmark, an anchor for the leash, and a leashpost. Theres also a posestand, and of course an instructions NC. Following this is the owners menu, which lets you add someone nearby as an owner.

You can enable and disable a posture anim, which holds your head up straight, and adjust the collar to be set for male, female or "other" via the gender menu. Other acts as if you were an genderless object.
On the next page, the first thing is Leash. You cna adjust its length, have to attach to a post or just activate a general leash.
Theres a readme here for some reason, it seems functionally the same as the instructions button under giveme. On the next row is a button for adjusting the chat channel used ot enter the menu. Default is /1 (example /1 awmenu). Following that is the ever fun Expose command.
Next up we have the "partners" button. THis is not an owners style menu as expected, but is instead a list of anims meant for well, Partners. Couples, etc. Theres an AO in the next menu. It comes with a couple of stands, the same walk AO as the OC one uses, but also has a Pony and crawl set to use as well.
Commands is next, which makes local give out the long liust of chat based commands you can use. You can also set it up to ignore commands on channel 0 (default, no / required), which I personally find handy. I hate it when people spam awmenu inc hat instead of using /1 awmenu. Using /1 hides it in local, gives a little more surprise if you suddenly change pose or have someone access it, etc.
Lastly we have Animate, which does as the name suggests. It has 45 anims bult in, including some that have little restrictions. Such as Stay, which forces you to stay kneeling on the spot.
The Good - Lot of stuff built in.
The bad - The menus could be tidied up a bit, Stuff like Expose, update, etc could be under a settings menu to clean it up a little. No hide command
Quality - 7/10
Function - 8/10
Price - Every collar seems to be 555L$ - 7/10
Find them in world at - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Blacksilk%20Forrest/222/60/25/
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