Straight up, I love how this looks. Plenty of colour options, able to change the appearance by removing the boning, the bar and the cover.. And of course each section has access to the aforementioned colour options. It of course forces your head up like a posture collar.

It can take a little effort ot fit, but once its on, it looks really nice for the most part, and is of course suitably shiny and detailed. A few people may know what I mean when I say Mouth corset,a nd thats pretty much what this thing is.
There are 7 parts that can be retextured seperately, each with a fair few options, some more than others.
The bones can be hidden via the texture menu and hitting transparent, as opposed to show/hide which the bar and cover use.
If only I could wear this more often, but it has a major issue which will be covered in..

You cna block it, to sotp random peopel accessing it, as well as drop poses in it for general use. Ther eis also a button for chekcing how much memory it has left. And of coruse it can be locked.

And the bad.. The thing that stops it been usable for general fun. The cover when shown gags you. This is good. It also has autp IM block, which cannot be turned off. This may nto be a big deal to some, but to me its a major issue thats losing functionality 2 points straight away. I don;t think I need to explain why, in a social networking "game" like program, I find this atrocious.
Now its possible I've msised something and there was an update to remove it, but hitting the update button does nothing for me, whetehr at their store or not. Nor do I get an error message or it telling me I have the current version, it just seems to sit there searching, another strike against it.
Quality - Like I said, I love this things looks - 9/10
Function - I like the leashing system, it has some good, but the IM block and lack of working updater is a severe strike against it - 5/10
Price - 650 linden. I'd give this 8 if it wasn;t for the messy functionality driving the value down. - 6/10
That was my biggest issue with it, although the lack of a good way to self-bind with timelock bugged me too. Luckily I was able to put in some non-harmful scripts into it to allow for an alternate locking style which can be used instead, without breaking all the features.
ReplyDeleteI;d be very interested in taking a look at these scripts.. At least its moddabel so we cna ptu some in.