Looks.. For an older item now, its pretty good still. The mittens and straps all work well, but unfortunatly I just cannot bring myself to like that hood. If a padded hood is to your taste though, you will love it. Down the back you can see a lot of straps and holes for lacing. All in all it looks liek what it is, very tight, and perhaps one of the ultimate bondage items.

I believe it comes packaged with a script you put in you hair, which hides your hair while the hood is showing. Hit hide in the hoods options, and the hood vanishes and your hair reappeares. I never used this script and its been a very long time since I bought the suit, so if I'm mistaken, please let me know

The Legbinder can be used completely seperatly from the hood and arms. It has 7 positions. Standing, hogtie, kneel, lay belly, sit, lay back and.. Dance. Dance makes you start hopping about on the spot and can only be used while bound in the standing position. It also has a sit AO, letting you settle down on a chair or the like while still bound.
Visit RF in Sl! - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Xoliantha/58/191/501/?title=Restrainted%20Freedom
Quality - Its looking a bit old now, and that hood just makes me sigh.. Sorry Katie - 6/10
Function - This thing carries a metric ton of stuff, its amazing - 9/10
Price - 1000 linden. With all it carries, I can't really complain, though the body corset is better value - 7/10
Average - 7.5/10
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