I've not yet decided how frequently I'll do these, but here's the next post!
Restrained Freedom moves to a new sim
RF, run by Katie Paine, has now moved to a new sim. This of course means your old landmarks won't
work anymore, but I've linked to the location below for those that need to grab it! Otherwise, you can always find it in search, from the group notice for a limited time, or from the support group.

The new sim should be far less laggy, and a different build. Its still under construction, but some areas are functional, and the asylum, a highlight of the old location, is under construction with a new building and layout.
RFs new location
NGW releases

Naraya, owner of New Gate Workshop, recently put out a new posture collar, as well as a pair of 'gloves.' These gloves are a tad unusual, more like mittens, long mittens, with rather a wide ring the sub is forced to hold, for the enjoyment of those of the male persuasion, while the other option has the hand in a tight fist with a nice, large toy of an intimate nature for those that like the idea of been niiiiice and full.

To my knowledge, the NGW collar functions as you'd expect, and includes the options to hold the head stiffly. It has the NGW HUD, inspired by the one used by KaS, for recolouring and altering its appearance, but otherwise I believe uses Opencollar scripts, or derivatives of them. They're functional, but the selling point here is clearly the design. Naraya makes very nice looking gear!
Visit her store here
RR Gag Hotfixes
There was a couple bugs with the 1.30 update to the gags released last week. These updates affect all bar the hood. The mummy and tape had a visual issue when using total, and require you to rather edit the names of them (details here - https://realrestraint.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/another-hotfix-for-rr-mummy-and-tape.html ) or request a replacement from any of Marines updaters.

The other update affects the openmouth plugin. You can do a soft update for these (just clicking update, not replace) currently only at the Dark Wishes updater. Alternatively, you can go to your debug settings and locate "RevokePermsOnStopAnimations." This bug was caused by the gags only asking for permission to animate once, and would require a reset to animate again. Updating the gag is a good idea, but the debug option can be buggy and might be worth disabling anyway.
Get the updates at the following location
My Little Shop
Chorazin's Shop
Roper's Dark Playground
Dark Wishes
Artist Spotlight - Shay Finchy
Shay Finchy posts to a gallery over on Deviantart. Her updates are not too frequent, but tend to of high quality, making good use of lighting and effects. And yes, I quite often appear in her gallery, so this is a bit of a personal plug as well!

In her gallery you'll find primarily latex and bondage, as well as lots of mummification. The bondage is usually quite strict or all encompassing, and often with some context given to the image in its description. She does minimal editing, if any as well, so the majority are raws straight from secondlife.
She also contributed the pictures used for the RF section of this post!
Visit her here and leave her some comments and feedback!
See something wrong or incorrect, or just want to let me know about an event, release or something else, then contact me in world!
Picture sources -
RFs new sim in SL, taken by Shay Finchy
NGWs adverts on their marketplace store
"Big" Ring gag from Marines blog
Tunnel Wraps by Shay Finchy
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