RF has released a new set of mittens, pure mesh this time. Being awhile since I did anything of theirs
Now first off, my previous review still stands in many ways, but in terms of options? Lots more.

It has 10 different mitt styles this time, combined with wrist or sleeve/opera options that equal 20 different looks for the mittens, and of course recolouring is there as well. Some of the new mitts are a bit.. Well if you're not into Amputee, you may not want to use them.
The designs are as follows - Dildo, Doll, Hook, Nubby for the more.. amputee options, Then you have straight (the original look), ball, paw, hoof and fist, fist being the original folded over. Katie also said that this new setup allows her to add new designs of mittens very easily. Ball and hoof are featured in the pictures.
Its worth noting that the Doll Mittens are NOT inflatable/ball, but a sort of pouch with a hole going through it that shows no hand is within.. or a hole has being cut through the hand.
The cuff design has changed as well, to thinner more slender cuffs as opposed to the wide thicker looking ones the previous set used. These can also be shown or hidden as you like.
The sleeves this time are built into it completely, so just need to be hidden or shown instead of attaching a whole different set of restraints. All in all some nice changes, if questionable for some people.
The bad? Well they don;t seem as tight this time.. Before they seemed snug to my wrists/upper arms, now theres a noticeable gap which is annoying to say the least. Its somewhat visible in the two images showing the mitts off, and I posted another one specifically showing the issue. The recolouring is I believe the same as the originals, leather and latex textures in various colours. Otherwise everything else is the same.
Not a lot has changed here. The escape mini-game is still there, similarly the mitts will lock you out if you mitten yourself without taking the keys first. Top left to bottom right menu wise you have style, done in the usual RF style, followed by the plugins page. Most of the plugins are RFs usual ones, and of course the RLV menu giving folder access, restrictions, etc is here as well.

Following this is the RLV On/Off button, and then the settings menu, from which you can turn on Expose, Verbose, get the leash holders, help NC and update of course. The Keys menu is as expected, if keys are hanging, then you can just take them, then of course give them away if you so desire.. or give them to someone else if you are the captor.
Under restraints you can of course bind your captive, the same 6 poses as the previous set I believe. You can also hide or show the sleeves here, and change the mitten type. Makes sense really, its the captor who decides what to pull on you (or chop off you.. ). Lastly there is Sub Anims, which has 39 anims in it now, up from the previous 24 of the previous set.

Once the keys are taken, some menus change location and some new appear. Timelock for example shows up, and its self explanatory by now, lock appears, and the keys menu gets fleshed out to include the masterkey options, give keys, etc.
Closing thoughts
A nice update, new mitten types are nice, though some do both me and will be blacklisted. Katies explanation for releasing as a new product and not an update makes sense as well, and the original are now lowered to 200 linden in price, while these new ones are 500
Appearance - New looks are nice. Looser sleeves/mitts are not, score remains unchanged - 9/10
Function - Exactly the same as the previous set, and I gave them 10 so.. - 10/10
Price - 500, an increase over the previous set, though it does bring more looks to the table - 8/10