Where do I even begin? This jacket is mesh, and comes in a large variety of sizes, so get the demo first and check which one fits you best.
Once you're fitted.. Well. You should get the jacket on. Its beautifully sculpted, its meshness means it fits out of the box. Even without the alpha, the XS one fitted me near perfectly. The first thing after that? attach the aspect hud so you can fiddle with looks. And it has a ton built in.

The main body parts have 4 textures to start. A plain black, a white canvas (default), a more grayish one, and black latex. All are stunning, and the latex looks amazing even without the shine option turned on.
The straps work a little differently. The built in collar and crotch strap can be hidden for example, via the aspect hud, as can the chest covering for those that want some exposure on your sub/victim/captive. The stomach is also hidable, as is the crotch covering altogether, allowing for just the very top and sleeves, bolero style.
If you choose the main straps point on the hud, you can recolour them all. They have three textures as well, plain black, and two canvas ones that can be recoloured. Coupled with shine, they can also compliment the latex even more.
Then we get onto poses. This thing comes with 14 different bind poses, and when you change to each one, you even do a little struggle anim, as if testing its strength. They work amazingly well. It also has another 8 poses built in under the animate menu. You can also choose to uncover/cover the hands.
I think the pictures sum up the rest better than I could ever describe.
Obviously theres the aspect hud just mentioned for adjusting its colour/visibility/shinyness/texture. Then there's the flex hud for the actual control. Once activated and detected, you can click on the SJ icon on this hud, and you will come to a menu with 6 options. Owner controls (add/manage owners). The owners also needs a flex hud, though if you previously bought Dari's harness AND the SJ, you should have two anyway.

The timelock is pretty nice. You can adjust what stuff with unlock when it runs out. It allows you add to anything from a few seconds to well.. Months at a time. Though truth be told, under a good captor, I could wear this thing for months.
The next menu is animate, covered above, and the next is Bind, also covered somewhat. When bound, you get a few touch restrictions put on for fun, and can struggle by pressing Shift+A/D or Shift +left/right arrow
And one of the best bits? She uses an RLV alpha system. Just throw the alphas available on the marketplace (link included with the restraint) into the RLV folder, and bam, every time you change visibility of your restraint, it attaches the correct alpha.

Extra - Flex hud mini tutorial for owners
As far as I know, it works like this for first time users.
1. Sub wears restraint(s) (harness and/or SJ), wears hud, waits for hud to detect restraints
2. Sub goes into restraint menu, goes to owner, adds the owners.
3. Sub repeats for other restraint if owning both
4. Sub detaches hud, sends hud to owner
5. Owners attaches hud. They should now have access.
That's for the owners without a hud of their own. I think if they already have a hud, its far simpler
1. Sub wears hud, add owner.
2. Owner uses own hud, has access.
If I am wrong about any of this, please let me know!
Quality - I don't need to explain it. - 10/10
Function - Everything it needs built in, I can think of nothing else it needs - 9/10
Price - 900 linden. I say worth it. - 9/10