And yes, I have actually down two reviews in under a week again.
First up, its mesh. Instant plus there. Very easy to resize and fit is also a plus.

In terms of looks.. the gag has four, the blindfold one, both with 8 colours and 3 skin tones for 'clear' tape. The tape itself is very well textured, as expected, and looks pretty snug. Admittedly I had some minor issues getting all 4 combos to fit me at once without needing a small bit of fien tuning everytime I switch, but thats probably due to my head being not quite normal shaped.
The main hit of this tape gag is very well done though, and realistic for a change. Everytime you tighten the gag in the menu (more on this below), more tape appears on your the captives face, just like it should do. The final layer coats the entire lower face, and looks amazing.

The first 4 options are simple. Total is at the top, with Loose, medium and tight just below it. Each one of these of course adjust how strict the gag is. I;ve covered this system before in previous reviews of Marines restraints.
Below that we have the Tie option, which 'locks' the tape, allowing only the person who Tied it to access it, barring realkeys of course. How you lock tape is beyond me, but it helps keep wandering fingers in check.
The second option is Last Plug, which merely takes you back into the last plugin you accessed. The next lets you Loosen or Tighten the restraint, which I believe makes the escape mini game harder or easier depending.

The plugins menu has 6 built in, the Realkey, a RL timer you can sue instead of inworld timer, the menu to let you adjust which colour the gag is, the autolock menu (which lets you set up the gag to lock after a certain amoutn of time has passed). Theres also Give keys, and the sub sub menu for Gag..

Back on the main page, all thats lef tis the "more.." button, which just gives you a quick timer menu, as well as a button to access the more in depth timeroptions.
The blindfold has 6 options, each one making the vision blocking more severe. Below them is Tie again, except using this also rezzes the blindfold, a faux mode you could say, handy for RP. Next to that is Last Plug and Tighten/loosen again.
The Special menu is also identical, as is the More Menu. Plugins wise you have all the ones from the gag, with the exception of course of the "Gag.." menu.

Quality - Best looking tape gag/blindfold in SL, which is oddly lacking in such things - 9/10
Function - The actual gagging functionality and blinding works well, lacks some plugins, but those are just extras - 8/10
Price - 350 linden. Thats cheap as hell - 9/10
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