Enchantress Muzzle

So we start with the gag. First up, it has a LOT of customization. Using the pretty well buitl menu system, you can get a ton of differant looks from this thing, and its copy/mod to boot, so you can keep several copies to save changing the settings around if you have a favorite look(s)
One combo I found was to turn the framework and color to black, and use the solid texture. It looks like a nice tight tape gag, or a panel gag of sorts if you adjust it a little. All in all very nice.
It has 24 buitl in textures, each one with a differant visual effect on the main part of the gag. Ih has some accesories as well, such as some framework around teh face, a rune on the forehead and the option to put ribs over the gag to further secure it. You can also adjust how strong the glow effect of the gag is
The good: Ton of customization, some nice basic gag looks cna be made as wlel as fancy ones
The bad: With frills on, it looks like you have nosehooks.
Right, we do the ever usual system of top left to bottom right for the menu buttons.
First option lets you secure the gag in place, making it unremovable. It also (at least for me) glowed green when I locked it, before turning back to the red/black combo I had settled on a couple of seconds later.

Next up is a readme, then Garbling. Theres six levels of garbling, from Lightest to Total. Total is quite fun, making you completely unintelligible. You can also set it up so the person has to use a channel as well. Next is Restrictions. In here is the ever annoying IM block and the option to allow long or short emotes (both should be switched to unblock really, but i guess the choice is nice.)
You then have Zap, a nasty little option that shocks the wearer. Then theres style. Under here is mostly optiosn for appearance, but a few for functionality as well. You can adjust who gets zapped by the gag, so if the general public touch it, they get shocked, as well as whether or not the wearer gets zapped. I'm guessing if wearer is set to on, you can't use your own gag, so I avoided that during the review due to lack of available ways to fix it at the time.
You can adjust the sound effects the gag makes, as well as which messages appear in local chat. You get color next in the main menu, which is the same as the one in Style, lets you adjust the gags appearance. Remote is next, which lets you decide if a set of BWP cuffs affect the gags locking, or colouring. Finally there is hidden, an option I always love, which lets you wear the gag in public without it always been on.
If you are not the wearer, then "Secure" becomes "Lock". Should you be blacklisted in the gags banlist, or public access is off.. Then you get a nasty zap if you touch it.
You can make/restrict public access to teh gag by going into the operators NC and adding/removing the "*" (yes, the little star from pressing shift+8)
Good - Lot of garbling, plenty of extras
Bad - lack of general RLV options (bad in the sense of lacking, not personal views), somewhat annoying public/expose system
Magic Cuffs + Yoke
For the most part these two function the same, so will cover the qualities seperatly and teh function together
Quality - Cuffs

Theres 7 poses for the arm, 4 for the legs. You can also choose to suspend, either from the legs or the arms. You need ot choose an obecjt to suspend yourself from as well. Once suspended, you can
Good - Quite a bit of customization, decent amount of poses
Bad - Not as customizable as the gag, lacking some basic poses
Quality - Yoke

There are 6 arm poses this time, legs are the same as before. Also has the suspend option. Once suspended you can go in and using the Up and Down commands, lower or raise how high you are in the air.
Good - Quite a bit of customization, decent amount of poses
Bad - Not as customizable as the gag, lacking some basic poses
Funcion - both
The binding process is a little differant here. This time you select a pose for legs and arms, then can toggle arm and or leg bondage on or off. You can change pose while bound or unbound, good for setting up a specific pose for once the binding begins.
Now then, from top left of page 1. You have secure again, which locks the cuffs/yoke. Hitting commands gives a very long local chat message about the various things it can do, such as safeword or stripping. followed by the help button.
Theres then the leash, which works in the same way as all leashes. If bound, the next button is Release All., otherwise its blank. Then you have locking. Under this menu you can adjust whether its public or not a plus, as well as the option to leave the key hanging, adjust how long the timnelock is (toggable, like the arm/leg poses) and adjust what colour the ruins are if you set it up to be affecte dby the locking system. Theres also a get key option and the choice to turn safeword on or off.
Settings is next, letting you block the gag, secure it (again), get help (again), refresh the restraint, or access operators in the same style as the gag. Theres a fully functional RLV menu as well, and the option to lock certain clothes and attachments on to avoid nasty stripping attempts.
If you also have the gag on, the next button with give you the gag menus. Then we're onto the second page! On this page is the aforementioned posing system, Option to turn arm and leg bondage on or off, get help (again), suspend the sub, force sit, turn on sit pose, adjust the poses used and an options menu in which you will find the Appearance, hide the restraint and turn bling on or off. Oh and you can find help (AGAIN) and refresh(again) in here as well
Major issue I found was that the anims seem to be somewhat low prio. my AO caused my arms to often come out of the restraints for a few moments.
Like above, Secure becomes lock when you are not the wearer.
The good - Lot of stuff to use, full RLV access
The bad - over-saturated menus (help), AO prio is too low
Quality - I have to admit to loving this gags looks. so many options! - 9/10
Function - a good amount. Public mode is annoying to get into - 7/10
Price - 120 linden is a steal for a gag this customizable - 9/10
Quality - Pretty nice, not as customizable as I had hoped. - 7/10
Function - Quite good. Tripping AO in the arm poses though, not high prio enough. - 7/10
Price - 400 linden - Seems fair - 7/10
Quality - see above - 7/10
Function - above - 7/10
Price - 300 linden - also fair - 8/10
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