
Texture wise you have the usual RF textures. Katies leather ones suit this far more than her latex ones I'll say. I'm not sure what it is, but her latex texture just seems a little.. off. You can of course always just colour it black and use shine/materials shine to make it gleam of course.
There's 10 latex textures and 10 leather, as usual, you can also retexture the padding at the bottom base, or choose from the 9 other textures down the bottom. Adjusting shine and such can be done via the HUD as well adjusting the closure, between lacing, zip or just none. Gotta love that look of having being stitched into it, with no way out possible.
Its moddable, so you can apply materials shine if you want. (Edit > Texture > Click the drop down menu with Texture (diffuse) in it > select Shininess (specular), > click the texture box > Apply one if you have it, or just use blank > Adjust Glossiness, environment and the colour of the shine to meet your needs)
Of import int he style menu, but no the HUD, is an option to adjust the height of the tied up anim, to prevent floating or sinking into the ground. Quite nice to have, and should be added to the HUD if possible. Lastly, you can hide the harness, making it smooth leather/latex from the neck to the padding at the base.

Standard RF fare here. As the wearer, if you take the keys, you get the Style menu, followed by the Leashing menu, with Plugins to follow. No unique plugins to the Sack in here. With Keys, the next menu is just ... which does nothing, followed by the Timelock menu with both the Timelock, which returns Keys, and Timebound, which merely unties, options within.
The Settings menu follows that, with the handy options like Expose and Verbose within. Key menu after that, followed by the ever important Restraints menu. Three levels again, as is fast becoming the standard at RF. In this case, Tight restricts touching others, Tighter adds in no far touch, and Tightest removes touch world. You can use the RLV menu in Plugins to remove touch self. The last option is Unlock.
Without Keys, you have access to Style and Escape, whereas others will have access to Keys and Restraints. For other people who have your keys, the menu is identical to the captive holding the keys.
My thoughts

The leather looks great on it.. Latex, not as much. Not sure what it is about the latex textures form RF, but they don't seem to fit the bigger restraints, whereas on the armbinder and the like, they're fantastic. You can always do what I did in pic 3 of course, and colour it, then apply materials shine, but that takes a bit of extra work.
All in all a pretty good restraint, worth the 350 linden I'd say.
Pics - First is black leather, with red leather straps. Second is Purple latex with black latex straps and blue base. Last is white latex, coloured black via the HUD, with a blank materials texture shine applied.
No S&S this review again, time just isn't allowing all three of us on at the same time right now. May edit in later if we find time.