
You have two gag types, a solid ball of rubber/plastic or a wiffle version, a holey ball that usually makes for a lot more drool, and possibly noise as well. There's no HUD for recolouring this time, so its all via the style menu. Ball, strap, metal and locks can all be recoloured to match your needs.
There's also shine, which doesn't work unless you manually remove the Specular map (Materials) first, then it shines up as normal. Better to use the Materials stuff though, if you don't have lighting enabled chances are shine won't look good for you anyway. Glow is there as well.
Plenty of colour options as always, I'm not gonna list em all as there is a fair ton. You can also always colour it white and manually recolour it using the RGB grid in edit of course. There is one minor issue, though its true of probably every SL wiffle gag, where your teeth will clip through the ball and may be visible inside of the gag. If there's such a thing as a teeth alpha, it may be of use here.
Rpers will be glad to know it retains the Smart Garbling system. For those that don't, this is a system that will garble speech in emotes that's between quotes. I.E /me tries to say "test" through the gag. The text in the " " will be garbled however severely you have the gag set to.

The Style menu has already been covered above, and Timelock follows with the usual Timelock and timebound options (bound only releases, doesn't return keys). RLV on/off is in the middle, followed by Settings which contains Expose, Verbose, update, reset and gives some leash related items. Keys will be next, unless its unlocked and no one else has them, in which case it'll be Take Keys. Standard stuff in there, with the crypto-lock (disables escape game) and of course give/leave keys.
Restraints is what most people really care about, you can swap between the Solid ball and the wiffle ball in here, adjust Drool again and of course decide how severely the gag garbles. If you use Pet, then the renamer lets you adjust whether it makes you Mmph (Human), Mewl (kitty) or Bark (puppy). There's also an option to hide the gag, which is nice. You can also block IMs and emotes in here, if you're into that. Last option on the menu is of course Lock/Unlock. Naturally hitting this without keys is a bad idea.
My thoughts

Its 225 linden, so a fair price, and due to being mesh, a lot less hassle than older prim ones that require a lot of adjustment for that perfect fit. I mean come on, its a gag, its hardly tight if there's a huge gap between the strap and your skin.
If you want a mesh ballgag, this is probably your best choice right now.
No S&S tonight I'm afraid, I might edit it in later if they feel like commenting though.