So.. looks. First up, it looks pretty shiny, quite nice. I admit I prefer those vacbeds without tubes in SL (I know, I know, they need them IRL to let us breath but sometimes..), but this one is not too obstructive at least.

There's 5 Single anims (One person + victim), all of an intimate nature, and 6 for couples (2 people + victim). All work quite well, providing vac is on of course.
The actual vac animation works, latex slowly gets tighter, revealing the outline of the person. Its pretty well sculpted as well, though a little jagged at some angles.
Lets start with the captors side..
On the bed, at the top and bottom, are two buttons. One for animations and one for RLV. RLV wise, the first 6 options are - Color, Vac on, Vac off, Take Key, RLV and Timer. When you take the key, Vac on/off disappear, and Change Pose appears. Change pose seems to do nothing though, nor can I find mention of it in the NC.
Color is self explanatory, as is Vac on and off. Take key is as well.. Then we get RLV. RLV with no one in the bed lets you turn on or off autolock, as well as attempt to capture someone if they have an active relay.
Once someone is in, you can choose to lock it, then from there you get some of the more expected RLV options, specifically, local chat Listen, Inventory/building, location, IM blocking and chat. You can also strip off someones clothes and attachments. (why you;d need to is beyond me.. they're encased in shiny black rubber and all). There's Unsit as well.
lastly we have timer. You can set it to turn on automatically when someone gets captured, adjust who can access it, show or hide it, and of course start or stop it.
The Anim menu.. You have Couple, Single, STOP and OPTIONS. Couple and single are simple, go in, click the anim you want, sit on the ball, and you're done. STOP turns the anim off.

The victim has no access to the RLV menu, but CAN access the anim menu.
Quality - looks good, though lack of colours and some jaggies shows its age - 7/10
Function - Does what it needs to, no more, no less - 8/10
Price - 599 Linden. Pretty reasonable I think. No copy/mod though.
Other stuff
There's a male version of this bed as well, though for some reason its 100 linden more. This is quite an old one now, before his vaccube which I did ages ago as well.
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