
So, first up, its a hexagon that appears to be made of what might be marble. Would certainly look good in a stately home. When someone climbs in, some metal bars appear to seal the person in and make sure they behave. Lastly theres a small grey hexagon at the back of it on the inside, and a grey border on the outside.
And.. That appears to be it. You can't change the pose, the colour of the kennel or bars.. You get the sub locked in, and they stay there in that hands and knees pose till you decide to let them out.
If no ones inside, you get two options. Capture or Get In. Both require RLV to work, or you can merely right click and go to sit to Get In without force sit.
One someone is on, the captor gets a few menu options. First is Eject, which does as the naem suggests, then theres Take key, the RLV menu, and the Timer.

The timer is simple, turn it on, add or remove time, it runs down, they get out.
The RLV menu, once you turn RLV on, has the basics. You can stop them seeing location, accessing inventory, etc, the usual options. Somehow this broke my normal relay, so had to switch to a differant one for tests. Otherwise works as expected.
And.. again, thats it
Quality - No customization, one pose. Looks fancy, but lack of options hurts it - 6/10
Function - Lock it, maybe RLV restrict. Thats it. - 5/10
Price - Its 125 linden. Cheap I suppose, but not much to it either. 6/10
This is by no means a bad device, its mod/copy at least, so plenty can be lain around and you can retexture it if you know how and want a differant look. You can recolour it but.. that doesn't look so good. In comparison, the THinkKink one (copy), is 299 linden, gives a lot of colour options, some poses, has a more detailed look (and is mesh).. Its worth the extra bit.
And now I may actually have a store blacklist me, yay!