First up - Its MESH! Don't buy if you're old fashioned and are on those crappy non-mesh enabled viewers.
Its.. a pet carrycage, the type you'd keep a dog in I feel. Although a great deal larger, with nice little windows cut out so the sub gets some light and of course the wire mesh locking door.
In terms of appearance editing, you start with beige. Moving in via the >Devie then Chameleon menu however lets you choose between a grand total of 9 colours. Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Banana, Beige, Grape, Grey, Lime, Melon and Orange.
There are 5 poses built in, Attract, Feed, Lay, Panic, and Snooze. Each one has a little message that accompanies it, and Feed also rezzes a good bowl in the cage. When locked, two padlocks also appear.
Your very first option is Open Door. When you do this, a new option also appears, graboid, with Close Door appearing where Open was before. The graboid has soem fancy settings.. You can set its range of course, and try to have it grab someone,b ut you can also set its Accuracy. Turn this down and it seems the victim can 'dodge' the grab.
Under >Device you get the meat of the pod. first up, in caps, is >TRAPMODE, in here you can obviously turn on whether or not it grabs people by itself. You can also adjust what RLV settings are applied, including chat muting and deafening (Stopping you speak, and stopping you hear), IM blocking (NO!), whether it auto locks or not, and Forceview, which forces your camera to a specific place.
Next in the device menu is options. Some basic stuff, turn RLV on or off, adjust language, etc. theres Hide button, which hides the TK logo above the cages door, Chameleon, mentioned above in Quality, Access, again self explainitory, lets you adjust who can access the toy.
Then theres Clr Wanted, which clears all 'outstanding warrents' as the machine puts it. From how I understood it, if you hit this while someone is logged off, it will nto regrab them when they log back in, and other such things.
Back on the Main Menu, we have timer next. In here you can of course adjust how long the person inside is locked for. You can also adjust the penalty (which increases the timer if the captive touches the pod or leaves mouselook when its forced), or turn it off, as well. Under settings you can put on some fancy timer things. P. Normal is your basic timer, tells you how long is left. P. Excluded shows the original timer, then the penalty time seperatly. Count Up reverses teh way the timer works, starting from 0 and going up to whatever the duration the timer is set for. Random does any of the above.
You can also set E.Eject, which boots the captive out when the timer is done. Handy for traps.
Lastly on the Main Menu is >>> Get, which gives you some items. You can get the TK manual, some help NCs, a paddle, some cuffs, a whip, the store LM and of coruse a toy of an intimate nature.
On all menus is -Cancel-, which closes the menu.

Theres also >Avatar. In here you can adjust the RLV settings, strip your captive, force them into mouselook and mess with the arousal menu, which lets you sexually toy with them. Tad explicit for me to go into too much detail, I want to keep a G rating, but I will say it supports Xcite.
Other stuff
Like all TKs toys now, its copy! So you can put up an entire kennels worth if you like.
I was wearing the DStech latex puppy gear along with the MB latex surrender catsuit in this shoot. The other model was Lyra, a friend of mine whos also on DA.
Quality - Looks pretty nice, some decent poses and colour options - 7/10
Function - Does a lot, everything it needs to and then a little - 9/10
Price - 299 linden - 8/10